Are you looking to adopt a puppy?... I am Peanut!
Soy Peanut. una cachorrita que fue rescatada atrapada en una maya
atorada y tenia sarna, erliquia y anemia. Pero ahora estoy sana y muy
activa , gracias a Susanne y Juan (estoy esterilizada, vacunada y
desparasitada). Tengo 5 meses y seria muy feliz si alguien puede
adoptarme. Deseo tener mi propria familia. Soy muy cariƱosa y jugetona y
me gusta estar con otros perros o gatos. Hablen al 9991 83 41 81 para
I am Peanut; I got rescued from being trapped in a wirefence as a small puppy and I had mange, lime disease and anaemia. But now I am healthy and fit, thanks to Susanne and Juan (I am sterilized, vacinated and dewormed). I am 5 months old and I would be very happy if somebody would adopt me. I wish I could have my own family. I am super cuddly and playful and I love to be with other dogs or cats. Call 9991 83 41 81 to adopt me.
I am Peanut; I got rescued from being trapped in a wirefence as a small puppy and I had mange, lime disease and anaemia. But now I am healthy and fit, thanks to Susanne and Juan (I am sterilized, vacinated and dewormed). I am 5 months old and I would be very happy if somebody would adopt me. I wish I could have my own family. I am super cuddly and playful and I love to be with other dogs or cats. Call 9991 83 41 81 to adopt me.
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